"The Colorado Bird Club" received its State Documentation of Incorporation (not for pecuniary profit) on the twentieth day of March AD 1935 at the hour of 11:30 o'clock, A.M. Forty-eight charter members are listed, including Robert J. Niedrach and Ruth Wheeler; interestingly, there were only six men in the list. Mrs. Helena Wosnuk Huron was the first President in 1935, followed by Miss Robina Storrie in 1936, Miss Clara C. Tate in 1937 and 1938, and Mr. Ferd Kleinschnitz, Jr. in 1938-39. Officers included President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, and Club Directors (four in 1935). Standing committees included Field Trips: Miss Ruth Wheeler, Miss Clara Tate, and Mr. George Ise in 1938-39; Program: Mr. Ferd Kleinschnitz, Jr., Mrs. Clyde T. Hunt, and Miss Berness Bunger; Membership; Books; Press; Conservation; Librarian (apparently for the Museum); and Historian. Regular meetings were held on the third Tuesday of each month except June, July, and August at 8:00 P.M. in the Colorado Museum of Natural History, City Park, Denver. Dues were $1 per year.