Donate to DFO

In that dawn chorus one hears the throb of life itself – Rachel Carson

Supporting DFO with your donations

Your gift to Denver Field Ornithologists is an investment in our mission to promote the study and preservation of birds and their habitats. DFO is a non-profit organization run entirely by volunteers, so the entire amount of your donation goes to further this mission. Your financial support is welcome in whatever way you choose, from a one-time donation to a legacy gift. All gifts are tax deductible. As will all financial matters, be sure to consult with your tax advisor or financial planner before making any final decisions.


  • Make a One-time Donation to the one of the funds below via PayPal, credit card or check by clicking on the Donate Now button by either of funds listed below. 
  • Make a Qualified Charitable Distribution from an IRA. By directing your financial manager to make the distribution directly to DFO, it is not taxed, but still counts toward your Required Minimum Distribution from your IRA. Contact your financial manager for details.
  • Leave a Legacy by naming DFO in your will. See details below.
  • © DFO Archives/DMNS

    If your generosity extends to a legacy remembrance, you can recognize DFO via a specific bequest in your will. You can also designate DFO as a beneficiary of a specific amount in a financial account, such as a life insurance or retirement fund. Please use the following language to designate us as:

    Denver Field Ornithologists, a non-profit organization (IRS Tax ID: 23-7019669) with its principal business address of 351 E Caley Ave, Centennial, CO 80121 (c/o Kathy Holland, Treasurer)

    IRS Designation

    Designated Donations

    Research, Education and Conservation Grant Fund

    DFO makes modest grants to researchers and educators for projects that support our mission on an annual basis. These grants are made possible through the generosity of our members. When you renew your membership, please consider an additional donation to the Research, Education and Conservation Grants Fund.

    DFO Hawk Watch

    Dinosaur Ridge Hawk Watch is an important community science project that tallies raptor numbers during spring migration providing vital data for the development of conservation plans. Volunteer participants learn how to identify these magnificent birds of prey and note their behavioral traits. Donations to this fund support the employment of a paid observer to ensure a more complete set of data. 

    Friends of DFO

    Donations to this fund support the activities for which DFO is best known, including training for field trip leaders, presenters for Better Birding Skills Workshops, and speakers at monthly programs. Your support makes it possible for DFO to keep membership fees affordable for everyone and offer field trips and programs free of charge.