Dinosaur Ridge Hawk Watch

A DFO-supported spring raptor count

About Dinosaur Ridge

Named for its world-renowned fossil beds, the ridge is also a window to the seasonal movement of raptors through Colorado. The birds migrate along the Front Range of the Rockies in part because mountain updrafts enable them to soar and conserve energy during their long journeys.

Count Results

Counts have been conducted at Dinosaur Ridge since 1990. These charts and tables provide a look at the data collected over time.


Spring volunteer training opportunities are open! Click below to register for the events in February. Join in the spring fun by helping to count passing raptors on Dinosaur Ridge. We offer training to help you with identifying different species.

Dinosaur Ridge Hawk Watch Partners

Denver Field Ornithologists Hawk Migration Association Jefferson County Open Space
Denver Audubon Colorado Field Ornithologists Nature's Educators