Trip Registration

As part of your registration, in order to participate in a Denver Field Ornithologists, Inc. (“DFO”) trip or other activities designated by the Board of Directors, each adult participant and the parent of a minor participant (those under 18 yrs. of age) are required to review and sign (either electronically or manually) a DFO Acknowledgment and Assumption of Risks & Release and Indemnity Agreement (sometimes “Agreement”) Completing this document involves your acceptance of binding contract terms. This online registration system allows you to review and electronically sign the Agreement if you do not have one on file. If you would prefer to manually sign a printable version of the Agreement, you may access it here, and present it to the leader before trip start. If you choose this option, please contact your leader to assure you are signed up for the trip.

Please note: Each person, including each family member choosing to sign the Agreement electronically must login and have a separate account so that the agreement is tied to the individual. If you are having difficulty with multiple logins, please contact us for assistance. *Minors: If participant is a minor, the minor’s parent or legal guardian must print out, review and sign a paper copy of the Agreement and present it to the leader before the trip start. Any minor attending must be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian.

Logged in users who have a signed Agreement on file will have the opportunity to print or save it at any time. Click on the link to the printable copy and use your browser functions to save or print.

Meet Your Trip Leader
Developing Birder Trip Developing Birder Trip - These trips are especially welcoming to newer birders wanting to learn more, and questions are encouraged.
eBird HotspotView eBird Hotspot Info
Ponderosa Preserve (City of Aurora) (Developing Birder Trip)
4/30/2024      7:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Leader: David Suddjian or 831-713-8659
Trip Difficulty: Moderate
Meet at the parking lot for Red-tailed Hawk Park in Aurora off South Aurora Parkway at East Irish Drive
 View Meeting Place on Google Maps

This trip is limited to the first 12 registrations.

Habitats to bird: Conifer Forest, Developed, Grassland, Riparian
With special permission we will visit Aurora's Ponderosa Preserve set aside to preserve a stand of Ponderosa pine at the northern extent of the Black Forest. Here is an opportunity to see some native forest and grassland habitat that forms an island of natural habitat in an area of increasing growth. We will bird our way through the preserve to document the birds and help to create a current baseline for birds in the area using the eBird hotspot. We will see pine forest birds like Pygmy Nuthatch and Hairy Woodpecker, and we will watch for migrant warblers, sparrows, bluebirds and more. We will walk through grassland and amid the pine forest on gentle slopes for about a mile. There are *no trails* in the Preserve and we will be walking through good growths of grass, with cactus and yucca. Long pants and sturdy shoes are recommended. After birding the Preserve we can visit nearby Piney Creek Trail or Red-tailed Hawk Park The only restroom is at our meeting place at Red-tailed Hawk Park, so come prepared. Bring snacks and drinks for the morning. We will carpool to the preserve from the meeting spot.

10 people have registered for this trip. There are 2 spaces left.
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